
    Astrology During Leo

    The Sun enters the sign of Leo on July 22nd at 12:58 a.m., Mountain Time. Leo is a fire sign and is associated with none other than the Sun. Leo is the sign of the leader and the entertainer and is usually the center of attention. A typical Leo career includes being an actor, athlete, entrepreneur, patron of the arts, goldsmith and hero. This sign needs to be the boss and has the confidence to pull it off. Of course, Leo is the sign of royalty.

    Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo from August 5th – 28th. Mercury loves to retrograde in Virgo because so much can get accomplished. This is a great head start to a fall house cleaning. Let go of the summer by getting rid of anything you no longer need, either physically, mentally or emotionally. Release, regroup and rethink your life. The astrology this summer is supporting change.

    Venus will be in Leo until August 27th and is a wonderful time to celebrate with friends. Go to an art gallery opening or a concert. Dress up and go out on the town to honor Venus. This is also a suitable time to throw a summer party. Make it festive with entertainment to be in true Leo style.

    There is one dominant and exciting planetary alignment that happens this month and extends through the summer. Mars will join Jupiter in Gemini from July 30th until September 5th and will conjunct exactly on August 13th. Mars, Jupiter and Gemini are all high energy, and when they are together, it’s super dynamic or a bit crazy. Jupiter loves to travel, experience new adventures, take classes or write. Mars will give Jupiter extra energy to accomplish these daring and thrilling journeys. Gemini will add spontaneity to the mix for even more fun.

    This is such an important transit that I’m writing an entire article about it in this newsletter.

    Yes, Mars and Jupiter are wild together, but there is a balance. Saturn in Pisces is squaring them as they join each other. Saturn is the taskmaster and won’t stand for much frivolity. Will Saturn calm down Mars and Jupiter or stifle them and create a rebellious reaction? Maybe both. Personally, try to offset the out-of-control side of yourself with reason and common sense. Balance is the key.

    About the visible planets, we can still see Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the eastern predawn sky. On August 14th, you can easily see the Mars and Jupiter conjunction in the predawn sky. It’s worth getting up early to check them out!  Venus is now emerging in the evening sky just above the western horizon after sunset.

    See you next in Virgo.


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