• The Mid-Term Election Eclipse

    Astrology always coincides with worldly events and the upcoming mid-term election is no different. There are only two Lunar Eclipses per year and November 8th is one of them. Not only is it an Eclipse, but it’s a nasty one too. An Eclipse occurs when both the Sun and Moon align with the Moon’s Nodes. The Eclipse seasons are six months apart with a Solar Eclipse happening on the New Moon and a Lunar Eclipse occurring on the Full Moon. The Moon’s Nodes are intersecting points between the path of t…

  • Change in Latitude = Change in Attitude

    Barcelona was my home for the summer and I knew the long trip would be life changing. The rebel planet, Uranus, is playing with my chart a lot now, which always creates something new. It can be a new home, a new style and a new haircut. But it also goes much deeper to bring a new awareness of who we are inside and how we connect with the world. I was expecting a new lifestyle, new friends and new clothes, but I wasn’t expecting a new relationship with the sky. As many people know, I have a big b…