Happy Birthday, Aries. This might be one of your most powerful birthdays ever! On April 8th there is a Solar Eclipse, as well as Mercury retrograde. Both of these can be used for you to transform your life. Make as many changes as possible!
Jupiter will join Uranus in your sign of Taurus on April 21st. Jupiter is about expansion, and Uranus loves change and freedom. They will bring opportunities to you so you can move forward in your life. Think big!
The Solar Eclipse on April 8th will fall in your house of friends and associates. This will be a time of aligning with like-minded people on topics of social interest. Your community is uniting to help the world, and you’ll be involved in a strong way.
With so much energy around this powerful Solar Eclipse on April 8th, some people will be a bit thrown off kilter. You can help balance the energy with common sense. Just be your nurturing self, and watch things calm down.
Your Leo Sun aligns with the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, which is in Aries. Both Leo and Aries are fire signs and will be energized by the Eclipse. Use this strong energy to break through old barriers and start anew. You are so ready.
There are three planets in your opposite sign of Pisces that are aligning with you. This will give your Virgo Sun a sense of calm and Pisces inner peace. Take some time off and just relax. You will feel refreshed so you can jump back into your work a new person.
There is a Lunar Eclipse in your sign of Libra on March 25th. When an Eclipse occurs in your sign, which is a rare occurrence, it marks a turning point in your life. What do you want to change? Now is your time.
There are four planets in the water sign of Pisces now that are aligning beautifully with your Scorpio Sun. You will feel more connected with others and might even be drawn to volunteering for one of your favorite causes. You can be social now with a purpose.
All fire signs are being super charged now because of the April 8th Solar Eclipse in Aries. Your Sagittarius Sun will want to find a mission and move forward fairly quickly. New doors will be opening for you that you will want to walk through.
Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and has just left your sign and entered Aquarius, giving you a break. Pluto will do a quick retrograde back into Cap, which is your very last opportunity to complete what you’ve been working on for the last sixteen years. Do it now!
Pluto just entered your sign of Aquarius and after a brief retrograde in Capricorn will remain in Aquarius for 20 years. This is the very beginning of a totally new phase in your life. Your freedom will become much more important, and new opportunities will be presented to you. Start planning now.
There are three planets in your sign of Pisces now. Mars will also enter Pisces on March 23rd and will empower your spirit. Reach out to others and tell them how much you care. The best part of Pisces is compassion, and you are overflowing with it now. Share it with others during this momentous time.