
    What's Up for Your Sign During Leo?


    Happy Birthday, amazing Leo. You are going to be having an incredible birthday month. Venus is in your sign until August 4th. This is your time to pamper yourself with luxury, art or a new Leo outfit. Give yourself a big party this year. You deserve it.


    Mercury will be turning retrograde in your sign of Virgo from August 5th – 28th. Retrogrades are always good for rethinking and regrouping. Clean out any Virgo files and archive or toss them. The Virgo in you will be so happy.


    There are several planets moving through your 9th house of the mind this month. You could feel overstimulated mentally as a result. Maybe taking a class will help you direct that energy in a positive way. Stay focused.


    Your Scorpio Sun is aligning with Saturn and Neptune, both of which are also in  water signs. Your insights will be deep this month, and you will likely have a breakthrough with a situation you have been dealing with recently. You will realize that all is well.


    Your Sag Sun is being super energized by Mars and Jupiter, who are opposing you in Gemini. Your mind will be spinning faster than normal. If you can harness and direct that wild energy, you will move forward and fast.


    The group of Leo planets is moving through your house of other people’s money this month. There will likely be new opportunities that will emerge and quickly with all these exciting planetary configurations. Move forward at a steady pace.


    The Full Moon occurs on August 19th in your sign of Aquarius. It’s quite the Full Moon since it’s squaring Aquarian’s ruling planet, Uranus. Expect the unexpected on this wild day. Do something unusual and exciting that you will never forget.


    Your Pisces Sun is squared to the transiting planets, Mars and Jupiter, in Gemini. You will have a decision to make this month that will either be made by your mind or your heart. Listen to your inner intuition on this one, dear Pisces.


    You will have extra energy this month because of the wild pair of planets, Mars and Jupiter, who are together this month in Gemini. Your mind will be going faster than it usually does, which is always fast. Go for it, Aries! Now is your time.


    You have the dynamic duo of Mars and Jupiter moving through your second house of money this month. Expect sudden opportunities to arise out of nowhere. This will be a successful month, dear Taurus.


    Gemini is the sign that everyone is watching now. Mars and Jupiter will be meeting in Gemini from August 1st to September 5th. People will be listening to what you have to say. Have confidence with a strong voice now. This is your time to shine very brightly.


    Many people will be feeling upsets and experiencing unrest this month. You will be the voice of common sense and calm for them. Take care of yourself so you can take care of them. You will know just what to say.


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