Happy Birthday, sweet Pisces. You are in for a change this birthday month because Saturn will enter your sign of Pisces and will be there for 2 ½ years. Saturn is the planet of accomplishments, so prepare yourself for a growth spurt. Have a strong intention of what you want to do and let Saturn help you.
Venus will enter your sign of Aries on February 20th and will remain there until March 19th. Venus is all about art, beauty and love. Whichever one of those perks your interest, now is the time to pursue it. You have permission to buy clothes or art. Venus approves.
You will encounter people who want to educate you or talk you into something. There will be a fine line between the two. Listen to them and then make your own decision but take them to heart. You are hearing this for a reason.
In early March there will be a group of planets in Pisces that will all be square to your Sun in Gemini. You will feel dreamier and in your heart instead of always being in your head. Wonderful time to meditate, relax and do art.
There are a few planets in watery Pisces now who are all in a positive angle to your Sun in Cancer. This is a time of connection with community. Reach out and tell people how much you care about them. Have a nice dinner for your loved ones.
Lucky Leo! You have both Venus and Jupiter in your house of travel right now. If you are in the mood for a road trip or an adventure, this is your optimum time. Be bold and try something new and daring.
The Full Moon will be in your sign of Virgo on March 7th. Even though the Full Moon will be in Virgo, there are a few planets in Pisces that are part of it. So, it will be a more calm and quiet time than usual. Plan to be cozy.
Venus is in opposition to your Sun in Libra now. You will likely be in the mood for excitement this month. Try something out of your comfort zone for a change. Who knows, you might like it!
There are a lot of planets in water signs now that are supporting your watery Scorpio Sun. This might be a fun time to learn something new relating to personal growth or your inner world. Maybe take a workshop on developing your creativity.
Both Jupiter and Venus are in Aries, which is another fire sign like you Sag. They are helping you in move forward with new adventures. If you use all that fire energy, you can accomplish anything. This is a fearless combination.
You have several planets in your house of fun times now, dear Cap. See if you can let your hair down and play. It will be in a very Capricorny style, but you can still have fun. You will never be wild, so see how much you can let yourself go.
The first week in March both Saturn and Mercury will leave your sign of Aquarius. Saturn has been there for over two years to help you grow and get solid. Did it work? You still have a little bit of time to finish your projects. Do them fast!