Astrology always coincides with worldly events and the upcoming mid-term election is no different. There are only two Lunar Eclipses per year and November 8th is one of them. Not only is it an Eclipse, but it’s a nasty one too. An Eclipse occurs when both the Sun and Moon align with the Moon’s Nodes. The Eclipse seasons are six months apart with a Solar Eclipse happening on the New Moon and a Lunar Eclipse occurring on the Full Moon. The Moon’s Nodes are intersecting points between the path of t…
The Mid-Term Election Eclipse
Sep 20, 2022
Saturn Square Uranus . . . It's Not Over Yet!
Nov 21, 2021
Last year stodgy old Saturn did a triple square to the rebel, Uranus. The books say it’s over, but I don’t agree. Yes, the angles were exact last February 17th, June 14th and will occur again on December 24th to wrap up the year. But in October and November 2022 they will square each other again and in a dramatic way. Saturn has an orbit of 30 years and Uranus has an orbit of 84 years, so they don’t do this dance very often. Plus, Saturn could have just done one square and didn’t have to do a re…