
    The CARTER Chart

    This is a tribute to Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, who recently passed away at the ripe age of 100. Very few people know that I worked with the White House and Jimmy Carter in the late ‘70s. I’m proud to say there was no scandal or controversy like with the astrologer Joan Quigley and Nancy Reagan. Jimmy, his press secretary, Jody Powell, and I worked well together. So, with their help, my first published work was The CARTER Chart, which was his chart and interpretation on a poster. I found it in my files and am printing it in its unedited entirety in this article.

    Jimmy Carter was born on October 1, 1924, at 7 a.m. in Plains, Georgia.

    Things have changed since 1977, and it sure is evident in my writing style. Be prepared to time travel back to the peak of the New Age movement. Not only did I talk a lot about the new Aquarian consciousness, but I also had an old-fashioned awareness about gender and talked about ‘men’ often. It is nice to see how things have evolved since then.

    So here is The CARTER Chart:

    “Since man’s most ancient times, seekers of knowledge have looked toward the heavens for direction – both navigating by the stars as travelers and for spiritual growth, through astrology. The mathematical design of the ever-changing universe is perfect, as is every individual. Within this perfect design are the cycles of man.

    Life force energy is the basis for all existence. Everything and everyone is made of pure energy. We are each a universe complete. Our energy fields radiate with vibration as does the cosmos; and attunement with the cosmic vibration creates peace. Astrology is a pathway to the understanding of that balance and perfection.

    Within every horoscope lies the lessons we have chosen for ourselves to learn versus our virtues or the knowledge we already have. The understanding of our lessons as growth and our virtues as potential is the key!

    Jimmy Carter is a double Libra having his Sun and Rising Sign both in Libra. The double air signs of intelligence are the foundation for his powerful talents of expression and communication.

    Starting in the 1st house, Carter has Saturn and the Moon both in Scorpio, which shows emotional strength and stability along with a powerful inner vision to motivate people. Jupiter in Sagittarius relates well to success in humanitarian occupations. Mars, the planet of energy, in Aquarius gives Carter personal drive concerning the Aquarian ideals of helping people. Mars represents action, and Carter’s actions are directed toward bringing a new level of consciousness to humanity. His Uranus in Pisces encourages reform of existing social structures.

    One of the most distinguishing qualities of a leader is to have Pluto close to the Midheaven, or the top of the chart. Pluto is the planet of leadership, willpower and rebirth and in the sign of Cancer gives sincerity and emotion directed towards mankind. Pluto in Cancer in the chart creates a maternal feeling towards the world.

    Carter’s 10th house, or the house of occupation, is extremely dynamic with Neptune, Venus and the North Node all in Leo. The sign of Leo is strong in natural leaders. Carter’s leadership is through Neptune, the planet of compassion with Venus’ love and understanding. The North Node is the point of destiny. Because of Neptune’s mass consciousness – constant inspiration is being filtered through him in his realm of his occupation.

    His Mercury in Virgo gives Carter a concrete stability to his thinking. Virgos are known as ‘Those who serve,’ especially when Mercury is in the 11th house of Aquarian brotherhood.

    The last of the astrological planets of Carter’s chart, the Sun, is in the 12th house, the house of the unconscious mind. This enables him to understand the deeper psychological meanings of the spiritual mysteries of life.

    The geometric angles or aspects between the planets describe how the planets connect with each other. Certain planets’ aspects point the way to paths of growth and learning, while others luminate our strength and virtues. Understanding the balance of our chart is the key to the complete picture.

    The growth or awareness aspects in this chart are Mercury oppose Uranus, Jupiter square Uranus, Mars oppose Venus and Neptune. They are all concerned with bringing his New Age ideals to humanity. He might be a little ahead of his time which could create conflict with people who are resisting change. In highly-evolved individuals, like Jimmy Carter, these awareness aspects underline a responsibility relating to the service of humanity rather than to a personal life lesson.

    Carter’s virtues, on the other hand, are incredibly special. He has a Grand Trine – a triangle in the sky made up of three planets at his time of birth. Trines mean strength and a positive flow of energy between the planets involved. Grand Trines of any kind are special, but ones involving the slowest-moving planets, (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) happen very rarely. Carter’s Grand Trine with Pluto, Uranus and the Moon, combines leadership with self-expression and New Age consciousness. This is a water trine which explains his sincerity, emotion, love and true concern for people. He has powerful leadership with compassion.

    We are in the midst of transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age. Due to the Precession of the Equinox, the sign of the ages changes approximately every 2,160 years. One complete cycle through all the twelve signs of the Zodiac takes approximately 26,000 years. It is the energy of Aquarius that promotes reform of the educational, sociological and conscious levels of humanity. It will bring major changes to the evolution of mankind. Uranus oppose Mercury will make the most demands on Carter in his attempts to communicate his Aquarian Age concepts and ideas with clarity so he does not alienate or create misunderstanding. However, it is evident in President Carter’s chart that he will encounter each situation with the new Aquarian concepts, rather than old Piscean fears.”


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