
    What's Up for Your Sign During Sagittarius?


    Happy Birthday, dear Sagittarius. This will be a turning point birthday month for you since both Mercury and Mars will be retrograde this month. Change as many things as you can with your lifestyle. Free yourself.


    Pluto finally moves out of your sign of Capricorn on November 20th. You can start fresh now after the last sixteen years. You made it, Cap!


    Now it’s your turn to have Pluto in your sign of Aquarius for twenty years! You are entering the most powerful time in your life. Think big and move forward.


    The planets in Sagittarius are challenging your Pisces Sun now. You could be pulled into situations that are too active for you since you are in the mood to be quieter and cozier. Set your boundaries.


    This is the last month for the North Node to be in your sign of Aries. On January 12th, it will leave Aries and enter the sign of Pisces. Complete any projects you have been working on by that date and you will be in perfect rhythm.


    The planet Uranus is in the last few degrees of your sign of Taurus now. You have one more year of Uranus in Taurus before it enters Gemini. Make as many changes in your life as you can now.


    The Full Moon will be in your sign of Gemini on December 15th. Jupiter will be right next to the Full Moon to give it a festive vibe. Yes, have a holiday party with fun friends and family.


    This month is a cozy time for you, dear Cancer. Decorate your home for the holidays and make yummy food for presents. People love homemade cookies, which translate to love.


    Mars is a main planet now and will be in your sign of Leo from November 3rd all the way until June 17th, 2025. Mars is doing a retrograde and will be in Leo much longer than normal. You will be strong, powerful and energized. Make a name for yourself during this time.


    The Sun in Sag is square to your Virgo Sun. You will be invited to parties, but you will feel like being quiet. Make sure you balance your activity with privacy during the holidays.


    Your power dates this month are around Thanksgiving. Spend extra time this special holiday with good friends and family. Feel grateful for your wonderful life.


    The Moon will be in your sign of Scorpio for Thanksgiving this year. Even though you are a private person, this is a good time for you to be as social as your Scorpio can manage.


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