Welcome to the New Year of 2025. It’s going to be a startling new phase in the world. There are stunning planetary alignments that will change everything this year. The reason for this immense shift is that all of the outer planets are changing signs. Yes, all of them….Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. This is incredibly rare.
I’ll look at the planetary configurations, Chinese New Year, retrogrades, Moon’s Nodes changing signs, Eclipses, the visible planets and ingresses.
Print this as a reference for the year.
Here is the chart for January 1, 2025. The year always begins with the Sun in Capricorn. The Moon is in Aquarius and conjunct Pluto, which is significant. The main configuration is the strong Grand Trine between Pluto, Uranus and the South Node. This Grand Trine starts on December 14th, 2024 and doesn’t end until May 26th, 2025. Pluto entering Aquarius announces an entirely new chapter in society. Uranus is all about freedom. The South Node is what I’ve always called, “What needs to be fixed.” What an amazing Grand Trine to start the new year.
Planetary Alignments
The main planets to watch this year are Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. Pluto just entered Aquarius on November 19th, 2024 and will remain there until 2044! Pluto will be trine to Uranus for several years. Jupiter is square to both Saturn and Neptune. These are all major configurations that will mark a transition for the world in a completely new way.
Pluto Trine Uranus from May 2024 – August 2029
Amazing planets to watch this year are Pluto and Uranus, who are forming a positive angle, or a trine, to each other. This is a long one since they are both very slow-moving planets. Pluto’s orbit is 248 years, while the orbit of Uranus is 84 years. But what makes this so spectacular is that they are changing signs at the same time. Pluto has just entered Aquarius and will remain there for twenty years. Yes, this is the very beginning of the Aquarian Age! Here is my article on Pluto entering Aquarius.
Revolutionary Uranus will be entering Gemini, the sign of communication. Everyone will be speaking with a stronger voice. Groups will emerge for community and support. Artificial intelligence will soar and become an important part of life. This is a five-year transit that will perfectly boost Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius. Revolution of thoughts and beliefs can be expected.
Pluto Trine Uranus, South Node from September – May 2025
As Pluto trines Uranus, they both form a Grand Trine to the South Node. Pluto is about rebirth. Uranus is revolution. The South Node is what is broken and needs to be fixed. Surprises will shock the world.
Jupiter Square Saturn, Neptune on June 17, 2025
As with all the planetary alignments this year, this one is very unusual. Saturn is joining Neptune soon, and they will be entering the sign of Aries within a few weeks of each other. As that gets closer, I’ll be writing an entire article on that ingress. Healing, business and belief systems will be changing drastically. Now let’s add Jupiter entering the sign of Cancer at the exact same time. Jupiter will bring a focus on family and concern for community. People will be reaching out to help others feel more secure. This one is sensitive.
Chinese New Year
Welcome to the year of the Wood Snake, which begins on January 29th, 2025 and will continue in that sign until February 17, 2026. The Chinese New Year always starts on the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice. Both western and Chinese astrology have twelve animals or symbols, but their systems are different. Western astrology uses four elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Chinese astrology uses five elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth. The Chinese system changes the animal each year but only changes the element every other year. For example, last year was the Wood Dragon, and this year is the Wood Snake. Each animal has a different personality and is further influenced by the element. Fire will bring more aggression, while Earth will bring more stability. Everyone will feel the energy of the Wood Snake and become a bit Snake-like this year.
The Snake is the deepest thinking of all the Chinese signs. He is philosophic and psychic and trusts his own intuition. The Snake is an enigma, a paradox and a mystery. He loves good books, food, theater and music. The Snake is a lover of the finer things in life and tends toward hedonism. He listens to his own judgment and doesn’t communicate well with others. Nor does he trust outside advice.
Adding the element of Wood will make him more set in his ways. This type of Snake needs intellectual freedom to learn and say what he thinks. The Wood Snake shines brightly. He has expensive habits and can be vain about his personal appearance. The Snake craves attention and public admiration and is therefore usually extremely successful.
Moon’s Nodes Change Signs
What are the Nodes of the Moon? They are two locations in space that are the intersecting points between the orbits of the Sun and the Moon. Their orbit is 18.6 years, so therefore, they are in a sign for approximately 1½ years. These two Nodes form a plane in space…the North Node and the South Node. Physically, when the Sun and the Moon join the Nodes, there is an eclipse. The New Moon is a Solar Eclipse, and the Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse. Metaphysically, they relate to our past life patterns and how they are playing out this lifetime. Looking at society, the Nodes explain the collective consciousness of humanity.
The Nodes have been in the axis of Aries and Libra from July 18th, 2023 until January 12th, 2025. Aries and Libra are all about relationships and brought in gender bending and a variety of ways to explain our sexuality. Gender identity is defined as, “a personal sense of one’s own gender, which can correlate with a person’s assigned sex or can differ.” Binary is not the norm anymore with chosen pronouns becoming part of many people’s profiles. Non-gender bathrooms have become a political issue. The world has changed with the Aries/Libra Nodes. Most of the Eclipses will all occur in Virgo/Pisces for the next 1½ years. What new phase will that bring?
Virgo is the analyst of the Zodiac, and Pisces is the dreamer. The ideal will be to have our feet on the ground and our heads in the clouds. When we imagine something Pisces beautiful, the Virgo can manifest it easily. We can give Spirituality more practical focus and actually put it in our calendars. Meditation and exercise can be done in the morning before our days start. Virgo is all about service, and Pisces is the healer, so inner work and helping our communities will flourish. Selfcare will be a trend.
On the challenging side, Virgo can overanalyze and become paralyzed with planning and not doing. Avoid criticizing yourself, as well as others. Complaining about the sad state of the world won’t help. Pisces can easily pretend that everything is fine, when in fact it isn’t. Procrastination and fear can stagnate Pisces dreams.
This is a balancing act for society between the left and right brain energy. Rolling with the flow will be a good rhythm to establish. Could this be the time to implement universal healthcare? Yes.
Each year there are two Eclipse seasons that happen six months apart from each other. This year the Eclipse months are March and September. An Eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth align with each other. The Lunar Eclipse happens on a Full Moon, and the Solar Eclipse is always on a New Moon. The Moon’s Nodes need to be involved to create an Eclipse, or else an Eclipse would happen every month. The Nodes are where the Sun’s and Moon’s orbits cross each other to form the Eclipse. Everyone can feel the Eclipse energy, whether or not they can see it. Eclipses are the best times to look at life in a fresh new way and release the old. Sometimes it happens suddenly.
Total Lunar Eclipse March 14th at 23 Virgo
This will be a Total Lunar Eclipse with the Sun in Pisces and the Full Moon in Virgo. The Full Moon will be close to both Saturn and Neptune, making for a quiet and dreamy feeling. Maybe host a meditation group instead of having a wild party. The Eclipse will be visible in North and South America, Europe and Africa. In Tucson it will start at 9 pm, hit maximum at midnight and end at 3 am.
Partial Solar Eclipse March 29th at 9 Aries
This will be a Partial Solar Eclipse with both the Sun and the Moon at 9 degrees Aries. Since the North Node has just entered Pisces, there can still be an Eclipse in Aries. It is occurring with both Mercury and Venus in retrograde, plus it is quite close to the Spring Equinox. All of these facets will make this Eclipse stronger. It will be visible in Europe, Africa and northeastern Russia.
Total Lunar Eclipse September 7th at 15 Pisces
This will be a Total Lunar Eclipse with the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces. Use this Eclipse to end the summer and welcome the autumn. Dreamy Eclipse. This will be visible in Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.
Partial Solar Eclipse September 21st at 29 Virgo
This will be a Partial Solar Eclipse with both the Sun and Moon in Virgo. It will be opposing Saturn and Neptune, so introspection will be the vibe. This will be visible in New Zealand and Antarctica.
Mercury Retrogrades
Mercury turns retrograde three times a year for three weeks each time. Of course, retrogrades are an optical illusion from the perspective of the Earth since all the planets revolve around the Sun. Mercury retrogrades get a bad reputation but can be used in an effective way. It’s the best time to rethink old patterns and let go of what no longer serves you. Get rid of anything in the corners. Clean out closets and reorganize cupboards and you will feel free. So, what are good things to do during these retrogrades?
March 15th – April 7th Aries/Pisces
This Mercury retrograde occurs around the Spring Equinox, which is like the New Year for astrology. Let go of the entire last year so you can start fresh. If you are a gardener, this is your time to get your hands in the dirt. Speak your mind!
July 18th – August 11th Leo
This Mercury retrograde in Leo will help everyone close down the summer and prepare for the autumn. It will be a suitable time for a summer house cleaning and maybe a fresh coat of paint to brighten things up a bit.
November 9th – 29th Sagittarius/Scorpio
This Mercury retrograde is the last one of the year and occurs over Thanksgiving. It marks the start of the holiday season. Make sure to do your holiday shopping before or after the retrograde to avoid any craziness.
Mars Retrograde
Mars Retrogrades December 6th, 2024 – February 23rd, 2025
Unlike fast Mercury, Mars only turns retrograde once every twenty-six months for approximately 11 weeks each time. Mars is the planet of action, drive and movement. This retrograde will span from the end of 2024 into February 2025. Mars retrogrades from 6 degrees Leo to 17 degrees Cancer. Boldly release the year of 2024 and embrace the new year of 2025 with a warm hug. This will be an appropriate time to focus on your home and family during the holiday season. If you are in the mood to remodel or renovate your home, now is your best chance.
Venus Retrograde
Venus Retrogrades March 2nd – April 13th in Aries/Pisces
Venus only turns retrograde approximately every 1½ years and lasts for six weeks each time. Venus is associated with love, art, music and beauty. This will be a wild Venus retrograde because it coincides with Mercury retrograde, the Spring Equinox and the Eclipse season. Both the Lunar and Solar Eclipses will occur with Venus retrograde. Make as many changes as possible during this time. Relationships will become an important focus. Be strong and feel your power.
Visible Planets
Almost everyone can see the planets in the sky. You just need to know where to look. It’s easy once you figure it out. The planets are always along the Ecliptic, which I have named the Great Highway in the Sky. Here’s how to do it. Notice where the Sun rises, where it is at noon and then where it sets. That is the Ecliptic. The path of the Sun during the day is always, always where we see the planets at night. The planets travel along the same arc in the sky as the Sun, only they do it at night. This is, of course, due to the rotation of the Earth.
The “inner planets,” Mercury and Venus, end up being the “Morning Stars or Evening Stars” and can be seen close to the horizon. The “outer planets,” Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, will move across the entire sky all night long.
Mercury is so close to the Sun that it’s difficult to see, so I didn’t list it in this section. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto cannot be seen by the naked eye.
Venus western evening sky January to February
Venus eastern predawn sky April to October
Mars will be in the evening sky all year.
Jupiter evening sky January to May
Jupiter predawn sky July to December
Saturn evening sky January
Saturn predawn sky April to August
Saturn evening sky October to December
An ingress is when a planet enters a new sign of the Zodiac. The slower the planet’s orbit, the less often it changes signs. The Moon changes signs every 2 – 3 days, while Pluto can change signs as infrequently as once every 20 years. When an outer planet enters a new sign, the collective energy of humanity changes. It’s the synchronicity of how astrology works. It really is As Above, So Below.
This is a an extremely rare time because all of the outer planets are changing signs within a couple of years. I’ll be writing individual articles about them all as it approaches, but it needs to be mentioned now. Pluto is the first to have already entered a new sign, as it entered Aquarius on November 20, 2024. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune will all be entering new signs soon. The collective ingresses will definitely become apparent in the ways society drastically changes over the next few years.
Pluto entered Aquarius on November 20th, 2024 to January 21, 2044
This is actually the beginning of the Aquarian Age!
Jupiter enters Gemini May 26, 2024 to June 10th, 2025
Jupiter is opening the Gemini door to make it easier for Uranus. Communication and education will be highlighted.
Uranus enters Gemini July 28th, 2025 to May 23, 2033
Radical innovative ideas. Artificial intelligence will be the trend. Revolutionary actions.
Summary of the Year
The theme for 2025 is Transition. We have just ended sixteen years of Pluto being in somber Capricorn with Pluto having entered revolutionary Aquarius in November 2024. Pluto is like a little baby waking up in a new world and learning how to navigate. When Uranus enters Gemini in July 2025, we will all feel more outspoken. Humanity is also learning how to navigate in an unfamiliar environment. Community and like-minded groups will flourish. Many will become mobile nomads with a surge in entrepreneurial opportunities.
There will be an obvious emphasis on independence and freedom all around the world.