• Pluto Squares the Nodes

    Pluto is the planet to pay attention to now. He’s moving into Aquarius as I wrote about for my last newsletter, but there’s more. As Pluto enters Aquarius, he will square the Moon’s Nodes at the same time. The Nodes are changing signs too, so they will all line up together as they all make their ingresses into new signs. I don’t usually spend much time looking at a square to Pluto, but this one lasts for an exceptionally long time. Pluto will be square, or red lines, to the Nodal Axis from March…

  • Pluto Enters Aquarius

    Spoiler Alert! The Aquarian Age is almost here! We are now entering an entirely new era, and it is called Pluto in Aquarius. This is a rare cycle and Pluto is worthy of an entire article and not just a mention. In a few years, Everything is going to be different. A new paradigm. Luckily, astrology can look into the future and make sense of it. I’m going to look at Pluto in Aquarius way back in history as well as a bit in the future. Let’s get to know the planet and archetype of Pluto first. Plut…

  • Meghan and Harry: An Aquarian Love Story

    Synchronicity is fascinating to watch. As I prepared to write this article about Meghan and Harry, his grandfather, Prince Philip, passed away. All this happens after the compelling and quite shocking interview with Oprah, which revealed some juicy secrets about the Royal Family. I just finished watching the Royal funeral on CNN. Since this happened during a pandemic, the size and scope of the Prince Philip’s funeral reflected the times. It was tasteful, yet quite sad, even for a funeral. How so…

  • Aquarius is Action: Greta Thunberg

    Now that both Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius, it’s time to take a look at some movers and shakers who are ushering in this new phase or shall we say, the New Age of Aquarius. Uranus is associated with Aquarius. Some keywords that apply to both are equality, the environment, grassroots movement, technology, inventions and the future. When I thought about who embodies the revolutionary Aquarian spirit, Greta Thunberg came to mind. Let’s take a look at her chart and see what drives her to accom…

  • Jupiter Joins the Capricorn Party!

    As if the huge Capricorn Party wasn’t large enough, now the big guy Jupiter is entering this auspicious group of planets. All astrologers are talking about this so I wanted to share it with everyone. We are in historic times now and it can be seen easily with astrology. Even though I’ve written about this before, now that the time that this main grouping is here, it’s important enough to examine again. (Chart at the end of the article). Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 3rd and remains in tha…