• The Neptune Tease

    Neptune is the planet of maya or illusion and will soon be changing signs from Pisces to Aries. This will be a key component in the next phase of growth for humanity. Although Neptune won’t enter Aries for a while, this is a suitable time to prepare for this rare ingress. Neptune is associated with the water sign of Pisces. They are both involved with altered states of consciousness, including meditation, prayer, healing and spirituality. It is the psychic planet. Neptune is one of the slowest p…

  • What's Up for Your Sign During Aries?

    Aries Happy Birthday, Aries. This might be one of your most powerful birthdays ever! On April 8th there is a Solar Eclipse, as well as Mercury retrograde. Both of these can be used for you to transform your life. Make as many changes as possible! Taurus Jupiter will join Uranus in your sign of Taurus on April 21st. Jupiter is about expansion, and Uranus loves change and freedom. They will bring opportunities to you so you can move forward in your life. Think big! Gemini The Solar Eclipse on Apri…

  • Jupiter Enters Feisty Aries

    We’re in for an exciting ride with Jupiter going into Aries, one of the strongest signs of the Zodiac. Excitement will be the result. The question is – how are you going to use this extra shot of energy? Jupiter was in Aries from May 10 to July 28, 2022, when it turned retrograde and backed into Pisces on October 28th. Jupiter turns direct again on November 23rd and enters Aries for good on December 20, 2022. Since Jupiter already spent a little time in Aries, Jupiter now just zips through Aries…