This will be an extremely high energy summer! Mars is joining Jupiter, and to give them an extra boost, they will both be in the dynamic sign of Gemini. This powerful conjunction dominates throughout summer and into early fall. Since Mars has a two-year orbit and Jupiter’s orbit is twelve years, they only join each other once in a little over every two years. This time they are joining while transiting through Gemini, which will make them edgy, to say the least. Mars will be joining Jupiter from…
A Mars Jupiter in Gemini Summer
Jul 17, 2024
Astrology During Cancer
Jun 14, 2024
The Sun enters the sign of Cancer on June 20th at 1:52 p.m., Mountain Time. Cancer is a water sign and is associated with the Moon. This is the Zodiac sign of family, food and community. They are nurturing, protective, sensitive, sympathetic and maternal. The sign of Cancer is also emotional, defensive and possibly needy. A typical occupation includes being a chef, collector, gardener, historian and microbiologist. If you want to put on a potluck party, invite your Cancer friend to help. The sig…
Astrology During Gemini
May 14, 2024
The Sun enters the sign of Gemini on May 20th at 6:01 a.m., Mountain Time. Gemini is an air sign and is associated with the planet Mercury. The curious Gemini mind has a passion for learning that never stops. Taking a class with a Gemini friend is always a treat. Typical Gemini occupations include being a journalist, teacher, author, information analyst, podcaster, public speaker, and illustrator. A short road trip is the perfect Gemini escape. The big April 8th Solar Eclipse is over and was qui…
What's Up for Your Sign During Gemini?
May 14, 2024
Gemini Happy Birthday, dear Gemini. This birthday month will be extra special because the abundant Jupiter is entering your sign and will be there for the next year. This is your time to shine and be incredibly successful. Go for it, Gemini! Cancer The large group of Gemini planets is in your 12th house of inner wisdom. You might want to spend extra time at home to realize how fortunate you are to have the life you live. Celebrate in a quiet way. Leo You will be inspired this month by all the ex…
Astrology During Taurus
Apr 16, 2024
The Sun enters the sign of Taurus on April 19th at 7:12 a.m., Mountain Time. Taurus is an earth sign and is associated with the planet Venus. The sign of Taurus is stable, determined, material and stubborn. Typical Taurus occupations include a bank teller, cosmetician, florist, perfumer, biologist and clothing designer. If you want someone to go shopping with you to buy fine things, ask a Taurus friend. Luxury is in their DNA. The month of Taurus opens with Mercury in retrograde motion. Mercury’…
Jupiter and Uranus, the Dynamic Duo
Mar 18, 2024
There is usually one planetary configuration that dominates each year, and the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction is the main event for 2024. Of course, Pluto making its final ingress into Aquarius is a major transit, which happens on November 20. I already wrote about Pluto entering Aquarius. It’s now time to look at Jupiter and Uranus. On April 20, 2024, transiting Jupiter will conjunct, or join, transiting Uranus at 22 degrees Taurus. Jupiter ha…
Pluto Squares the Nodes
Mar 18, 2023
Pluto is the planet to pay attention to now. He’s moving into Aquarius as I wrote about for my last newsletter, but there’s more. As Pluto enters Aquarius, he will square the Moon’s Nodes at the same time. The Nodes are changing signs too, so they will all line up together as they all make their ingresses into new signs. I don’t usually spend much time looking at a square to Pluto, but this one lasts for an exceptionally long time. Pluto will be square, or red lines, to the Nodal Axis from March…
Jupiter Enters Feisty Aries
Nov 19, 2022
We’re in for an exciting ride with Jupiter going into Aries, one of the strongest signs of the Zodiac. Excitement will be the result. The question is – how are you going to use this extra shot of energy? Jupiter was in Aries from May 10 to July 28, 2022, when it turned retrograde and backed into Pisces on October 28th. Jupiter turns direct again on November 23rd and enters Aries for good on December 20, 2022. Since Jupiter already spent a little time in Aries, Jupiter now just zips through Aries…
Astrology of the Pandemic
Sep 21, 2021
What is the ONLY news in the paper? The never-ending Pandemic. I thought this would be a good time to look at the astrology relating to this phase in history. A good friend of mine told me, “If you couldn’t see this in astrology, I’d be scared. But since you can, I know it’s all meant to be.” Of course, she’s right, so let’s take a deep look at what the planets say. We have to start way back with the Capricorn Party. I should have named it the Capricorn Fiasco. Since about 2016, I’ve been studyi…
Jupiter Joins the Capricorn Party!
Nov 21, 2019
As if the huge Capricorn Party wasn’t large enough, now the big guy Jupiter is entering this auspicious group of planets. All astrologers are talking about this so I wanted to share it with everyone. We are in historic times now and it can be seen easily with astrology. Even though I’ve written about this before, now that the time that this main grouping is here, it’s important enough to examine again. (Chart at the end of the article). Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 3rd and remains in tha…